The best way to do the latter option is to download the word doc below, mark "Track Changes" in Microsoft Word, and then email me the finished product when you are done. You can email me at [email protected]
If you impress me enough, I may even ask you to become a Beta reader for me, which means I'll see if you want to read my novels and offer good, helpful criticism and commentary to help me polish up my novels. A good Beta reader offers more help than just say "Wow! Loved the book!" Or "This really wasn't for me." They go into specifics about things they liked, things they didn't like, and try to figure out what bothers them.
Keep in mind that this is still the 2nd draft of Super Six, so it's not terribly polished and there may be mistakes. So you are certainly welcome to catch that kind of stuff like grammar, spelling, punctuation, but it's not required. I'm looking more for what's working and not working as you read the story.
I've included PDF and Doc formats.
Happy reading!

super_six_first_third.pdf |

super_six_first_third.docx |