So ... it's been a long long time since I've posted. The good news is that since my last post I've published Psion Omega and written a new novel. YAY!
Also during that time, I met with Shadow Mountain and discussed the sales and future of A Tale of Light and Shadow. Unfortunately for everyone, the two Tale books are just not selling well. Shadow Mountain Publishing loves the books and wishes they had done better. I love the story and want to tell it. However, the readers aren't responding.
For the most part, reviews have been good. In fact, they've been pretty solid. Most people who actually buy it really like it. But that hasn't translated into good word-of-mouth sales. The publisher tried rebranding the books with new covers to make them look like romance novels. (I vehemently opposed this decision), but it didn't make much of a difference.
When we met they said that they are very on the fence about publishing #3. When they asked me what I thought, I was honest. I am at a point in my career where I can't write books that no one wants to read. I realize that Tale 2 does not give the reader much closure. And I have written at least half, maybe more, of Tale 3. I know how the whole thing ends. But if I ever want to reach my goal of becoming a writer who can write full time, I can't work on a book that will sell a handful of copies. That's just the crappy truth.
And frankly, I can't finish Tale 3 and self-publish until the rights revert back to me. I don't know much about that process, except that it will happen eventually. So will there be closure? Yes, hopefully. Someday. If nothing else, I'll figure out a way to let people know how the story ends.
I'm very sorry about this. But that's the way the business works. Shows, movies, and books sometimes don't get to reach their proper conclusion because they aren't popular enough--for whatever reason. Some people have said this series is better than my Psion series. I don't know if that's true. I like them both. But Psion has resonated better with more readers.
In the meantime, I've written Super Six and am now working on the second draft. I still plan to launch another series called Unknown or Clone or something. Not really sure what it will be called. I've written large chunks of it. I'm really happy with how much writing I've been getting done these days, but it may be awhile before anything gets into readers' hands. I am legally obligated to show Super Six to Shadow Mt. for their possible selection. I'd also like to show it around to agents and see if I can manage to snag one of those. If not, I'll self-publish it.
In the meantime, you're welcome to contact Shadow Mt about A Tale of Light and Shadow and demand that they give you more. I don't know if it will help much, but it never hurts. I will try to do a better job of keeping you informed. Here is the first 3 chapters of Super Six (2nd draft). It's about I'm sure it's a little rough, but I'm happy to hear your thoughts (praises or constructive criticisms) in the comments here or on Facebook or twitter.
Also during that time, I met with Shadow Mountain and discussed the sales and future of A Tale of Light and Shadow. Unfortunately for everyone, the two Tale books are just not selling well. Shadow Mountain Publishing loves the books and wishes they had done better. I love the story and want to tell it. However, the readers aren't responding.
For the most part, reviews have been good. In fact, they've been pretty solid. Most people who actually buy it really like it. But that hasn't translated into good word-of-mouth sales. The publisher tried rebranding the books with new covers to make them look like romance novels. (I vehemently opposed this decision), but it didn't make much of a difference.
When we met they said that they are very on the fence about publishing #3. When they asked me what I thought, I was honest. I am at a point in my career where I can't write books that no one wants to read. I realize that Tale 2 does not give the reader much closure. And I have written at least half, maybe more, of Tale 3. I know how the whole thing ends. But if I ever want to reach my goal of becoming a writer who can write full time, I can't work on a book that will sell a handful of copies. That's just the crappy truth.
And frankly, I can't finish Tale 3 and self-publish until the rights revert back to me. I don't know much about that process, except that it will happen eventually. So will there be closure? Yes, hopefully. Someday. If nothing else, I'll figure out a way to let people know how the story ends.
I'm very sorry about this. But that's the way the business works. Shows, movies, and books sometimes don't get to reach their proper conclusion because they aren't popular enough--for whatever reason. Some people have said this series is better than my Psion series. I don't know if that's true. I like them both. But Psion has resonated better with more readers.
In the meantime, I've written Super Six and am now working on the second draft. I still plan to launch another series called Unknown or Clone or something. Not really sure what it will be called. I've written large chunks of it. I'm really happy with how much writing I've been getting done these days, but it may be awhile before anything gets into readers' hands. I am legally obligated to show Super Six to Shadow Mt. for their possible selection. I'd also like to show it around to agents and see if I can manage to snag one of those. If not, I'll self-publish it.
In the meantime, you're welcome to contact Shadow Mt about A Tale of Light and Shadow and demand that they give you more. I don't know if it will help much, but it never hurts. I will try to do a better job of keeping you informed. Here is the first 3 chapters of Super Six (2nd draft). It's about I'm sure it's a little rough, but I'm happy to hear your thoughts (praises or constructive criticisms) in the comments here or on Facebook or twitter.

first_3_super_six.pdf |

first_3_super_six.docx |